Keywords = Mapping
Identification of QTLs for rice yield and yield-related traits using high density SNPs linkage map

Volume 9, Issue 3, October 2017, Pages 1-24


M Ahmadzadeh; N Babaian; Qasem Mohammadi Nezhad; N Bagheri; Rakesh Kumar Singh

Mapping of spike and grain using F3 and F4 families in Becher × Kavir cross in barly

Volume 8, Issue 4, December 2016, Pages 35-56


Robab Daghaghelh; Hossein Sabouri; Hossein Hosseini Moghaddm; Essa Jorjani; Hosseinali Fallahi

Molecular-genetic analysis of rice grain dimension in recombinant inbreed lines of cross of Anbarbu × Sepidroud

Volume 7, Issue 2, September 2015, Pages 67-86


Hossein Sabouri; Ahmad Reza Dad Ras; Atefeh Sabouri; Mahnaz Katouzi

Study of the effect of Hd1-harboring genomic region on heading date in rice

Volume 6, Issue 3, October 2014, Pages 17-32


Asadollah Ahmadi Khah; Leila Nayyeri Pasand

Molecular analysis of rice vegetative growth traits

Volume 5, Issue 3, October 2013, Pages 67-86


Hossein Sabouri; Qasem Mohammadi Nezhad; Atefeh Sabouri; Saeid Navvab Pour