Evaluation of total produced phenol in Chaei Koohi (Stachys lavandulifolia Vahi) callus culture and possibility of its enhancement using Elicitors

Document Type : Research Paper



Many reports have demonstrated that many medicinal valuable secondary metabolites such as Phenolic compounds can be produced and accumulated by in plants in vitro culture. Polyphenols or phenolic compounds have potentially antioxidant activity. In past few years, pharmacological studies have confirmed that components and extracts of plants belong to the genus Stachys exert significant antibacterial, antitoxidant, antinephritic, antihepatitis, hypotencive and anxiety effects. Stachys lavandulifulia Vahi, popularly named "Chai Koohi" is widely distributed in different regions of Iran. In this study, effect of different concentrations of 2,4-D, on callus induction and  effect of two elicitors (metyl jasmonate and salisylic acid) in different time points(2, 10 and 20 days after culture)  on the level of total phenol were evaluated in callus. The results showed that, the best concentration of callus induction and growth was at the 1 and 2 mg/l 2,4-D. Also the effects of elicitors were significant in total phenol production. Cultivation time indicate significant difference on total phenol production, whereas interaction between time and elisitore was not significant. The highest total phenol concentration was found in the treatment with 10 µm of metyl jasmonate, after 10 days of culture.


Stachys lavandulifolia Vahi., callus culture, total phenol, Elicitors


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