Aims and Scope

Aims and Scope

The aim of the Agricultural Biotechnology Journal is to publish the most exciting research in all areas of agricultural biotechnology and to provide the most rapid system for reviewing and publishing, and to disseminate the articles freely for teaching and reference purposes.

Agricultural Biotechnology Journal covers subjects such as biotechnology (cellular, chromosomal, enzymatic, genetic, and fermentation engineering) of agricultural plants, animals, and relevant microorganisms (including nitrogen fixing bacteria and pathogens), and related biochemistry and structural analysis. 

Agricultural Biotechnology Journal publishes the highest quality original contributions dealing with:

-   Plant biotechnology

-   Animal biotechnology

-   Marine biotechnology

-   Molecular biotechnology

-   Nano-biotechnology

-   Genetic engineering

-   Plant and animal molecular markers

-   Plant and animal tissue culture

-   Food industry biotechnology

-   Bio-informatics in agricultural biotechnology.