اهداف و چشم انداز

Agricultural Biotechnology Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that is published in Persian (Farsi) full papers (Abstract both in Persian and English languages) as a printed journal and in electronic form jointly by Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman (“Faculty of Agriculture” and “Research and Technology Institute of Plant Production”) and the Iranian Biotechnology Society. The general mission of Agricultural Biotechnology Journal is to promote communication and collaboration among individuals and organizations associated with the agricultural biotechnology sector and related technologies. Papers in Agricultural Biotechnology Journal focus on discovering, disseminating and applying knowledge for sustainable use of agricultural biotechnology. Agricultural Biotechnology Journal publishes the highest quality original contributions dealing with:

Plant biotechnology

Animal biotechnology

Marine Biotechnology

Molecular Biotechnology

Nano Biotechnology

Genetic engineering

Plant and animal molecular markers

Plant and animal tissue culture

Food industry biotechnology

Bio-informatics in agricultural biotechnology.


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